Four-fold rise in participation highlights regional connectivity concerns

The community response to the 2024 review is unprecedented – a four-fold increase in participation on the 2021 review.

The Albanese Government has welcomed the 2024 report from the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee (RTIRC), which provides recommendations to improve connectivity in regional, rural, and remote areas.

Undertaken every three years, the review is an opportunity for people living and working outside major cities to share their experiences, views and expectations regarding connectivity and telecommunications services.

The community response to the 2024 review is unprecedented – a four-fold increase in participation on the 2021 review – demonstrating the importance placed on connectivity and digital inclusion in regional, rural and remote Australia.

The Committee conducted online consultations and 20 in-person sessions across Australia from Thursday Island to Geraldton, Katherine and Benalla.

In total, more than 4,000 stakeholders took part and more than 3,000 survey responses were received.

The Committee also engaged with industry throughout the process to address issues raised during consultations and potential reform options were workshopped.

“The Committee has highlighted the need to improve regional Australians’ understanding of connectivity and the options available to them,” says Committee Chair, the Hon Alannah MacTiernan.

“We also stressed the need to speed up modernisation of the Universal Service guarantees. We have recommended ways to improve mobile experiences, recognising that mobile connection is the primary means of voice and digital communication for many regional Australians.”

The report’s 14 recommendations address enhanced mobile coverage and affordability, universal service, First Nations inclusion and digital literacy. The role of LEO satellite technology for service delivery is also considered.

The Committee noted how recent technology developments have resulted in new and emerging services that could be considered as part of a modernised Universal Service Obligation (USO).

“Strengthening consumer protections and telco accountability has also been a central theme, as has building network resilience, accelerating planning processes and improved data for government and consumers.”

“The overwhelming response to the review highlights the critical role of telecommunications in the lives of regional, rural, and remote communities.”

“The community has highlighted the need to improve regional Australians’ understanding of connectivity and options available to them. The need to significantly boost this Connectivity Literacy is a key recommendation of the report.”

Read also: Albanese Government explores LEOSats to improve regional mobile connectivity

The recommendation to modernise the USO is an important step towards ensuring all Australians have access to modern, reliable, voice-capable broadband services no matter where they live or work.

The Albanese Government will review the recommendations and respond in due course.

“Every Australian deserves access to fast, reliable, affordable connectivity and telecommunication services regardless of where they live,” comments Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP.

“We know many rural, regional, remote and First Nations communities face connectivity challenges their city counterparts do not.”

“The unprecedented interest in the work of the Regional Telecommunications Review reflects the importance placed on connectivity in these communities.”

The Albanese Government has acted on advice from previous RTIRC reports in the design of programs and initiatives including the On-Farm Connectivity Program, the Mobile Black Spot Program, National Audit of Mobile Coverage and the First Nations Digital Inclusion Plan.

The 2024 review was led by Committee Chair, the Hon Alannah MacTiernan working alongside Committee members Kristy Sparrow, the Hon Fiona Nash, Dr Jessa Rogers and Ian Kelly.

“The Albanese Government is bridging the digital divide through our $1.1 billion Better Connectivity Plan for Regional and Rural Australia, but we know more can be done,” she adds.

“The Government welcomes the 2024 report of the Regional Telecommunications Review, and thanks the Committee for its extensive work, expert advice and engagement on the ground.”

“The Government will consider the report’s findings and recommendations and continue to work with key partners to see Australia become the most connected continent.”

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