Aligning advertising with listener’s rituals boosts brand engagement

jogger listening to audio as a ritual

Aligning with personal rituals as routine as running errands or doing chores, can boost engagement and purchase intent for audio advertisers, according to new research conducted by MAGNA’s Media Trials unit and Audacy, a multi-platform audio content and entertainment company.  

The study found that advertisers who aligned with listeners’ rituals saw a 10% increase in brand excitement and an 8% life in brand relevance. 

The study, Aligning with Rituals: The Contextual Foundation of Audio, also noted that consumers experience greater “feelings of connection” with brands that synchronise with their audio rituals, by 12%, compared to 3% for non-aligned ads.  

MAGNA and Audacy tested both genre-based ads such as a telecom brand advertising during an entertainment broadcast, and ritual-based ads such as destination advertising during a “me-time” ritual, to examine the spectrum of contextual-alignment opportunities. 

“We’ve studied contextual in video before, but this is our first time to study it in audio, so we wanted to explore how consumers reacted to all types of audio advertising, from contextually aligned to non-aligned, across every daypart and layers of the funnel,” said Kara Manatt, EVP, Managing Director, Intelligence Solutions, MAGNA.  

“We were especially intrigued to note how daily rituals imply moments of calm and continuity in listeners’ lives and that brands that tap into these touchstones benefit tremendously.” 

Contextually aligned ads have the propensity to both excite (+10%) and create relevance (+8%) for brands, especially among those who are in-market.  

Further, contextual alignment boosts brand metrics that matter most, such as brand favourability (+8%), search intent (+12%), and purchase intent (+9%). 

Just what are consumers doing as they stream podcasts and listen to music?  

A ranking of typical listening rituals featured in a previous Audacy study, Audio Rituals was topped by running general errands (85%) and doing home maintenance (84%). Consumer engagement levels, though, were most heightened during me-time moments (73%), putting my child to bed (70%) and exercising outdoors (68%). 

Audacy’s Audio Rituals study also determined that 74% of listeners incorporated audio into their daily rituals and 40% planned their day/activities around audio content. 

“Audio advertisers can amplify the effectiveness of their buys through ritual moments,” said Idil Cakim, SVP, Head of Research and Insights, Audacy.  

“Study participants agreed that the stronger the match between advertisement and content, the better the outcome for KPIs like brand favourability and purchase intent.” 

 Seventy-eight percent of participants agreed that strong content/ad matches mattered in brand favourability and 80% for purchase intent. 


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Paulo Rizal is a content producer for Comms Room. He writes content around popular media, journalism, social media, and more.

Paulo Rizal
Paulo Rizal
Paulo Rizal is a content producer for Comms Room. He writes content around popular media, journalism, social media, and more.