Australia pumps $480m into NBN Co’s network upgrade

Australia pumps $480m into NBN Co's network upgrade

The Australian government is providing $480 million to the publicly-owned corporation National Broadband Network (NBN Co) to upgrade its fixed wireless network.

In March, the federal government said the funding aims to help Australia become a top 10 data and digital economy by 2030.

Read here: Australian Government boosts NBN fixed wireless network (

Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland tweeted on Monday, “Today the Australian Government has achieved our first major milestone for regional Australians.”

“We are providing $480m to NBN Co to upgrade the NBN fixed wireless network to better connect regional Australians under our Better Connectivity for Rural and Regional Australia Plan.”

The $480 million for NBN Co would enhance download speeds to up to 100 Mbps for regional Australians and expand fixed wireless coverage to an additional 120,000 satellite-only homes.

According to Rowland’s media release posted on Twitter, increased download speeds of up to 100 Mbps will be available to consumers in the fixed wireless footprint, with up to 85% having access to 250 Mbps.

It said the upgrade would also deliver “typical wholesale busy hour speeds” of at least 50 Mbps, which will benefit an estimated 755,000 premises.

The minister said the funding would also enable NBN Co to raise Sky Muster’s data allotments and benefit an estimated 1,055,000 premises in regions of Australia.

“Our plan will deliver tangible benefits to regional Australians by improving safety, enhancing connectivity, and increasing productivity through cutting-edge broadband connections,” she added.

The ‘Better Connectivity for Rural and Regional Australia Plan’ is the Albanese government’s program to ensure a connected regional Australia through faster internet and better mobile coverage.

Rowland said, “The NBN was announced in 2009 as a key investment in the nation’s future, and this upgrade continues our commitment to ensure
regional, rural and remote communities aren’t left behind, and that Australia remains at the forefront of digital connectivity.”

The total cost of the network upgrade is reported to be $750 million, the $270 million of which will come from NBN itself.

You may also want to read: Internet rates could double with NBN Co’s new proposal (

Jaw de Guzman is the content producer for Comms Room, a knowledge platform and website aimed at assisting the communications industry and its professionals.

Jaw de Guzman
Jaw de Guzman
Jaw de Guzman is the content producer for Comms Room, a knowledge platform and website aimed at assisting the communications industry and its professionals.