Jingellic receives improved communications network resilience 

Jingellic receives improved communications network resilience 

Jingellic in Eden-Monaro is now more ready for crises and natural disasters after the installation of a backup NBN Sky Muster satellite service.

The project was carried out under the Australian Government’s Strengthening Telecommunications Against Natural Disasters (STAND) program at Jingellic Brigade Station.

Through the STAND program, the federal government aims to protect communities by investing in improved connectivity for emergency services depots and evacuation centres.

The investments also include improved telecommunications resilience under the Mobile Network Hardening Program (MNHP) and portable communications facilities across the country.

According to the implementers, the community’s exposure to natural disasters will be lessened by all of these actions, which will also serve to save lives.

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Hon Kristy McBain, Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, said, “Staying connected during a natural disaster can be the difference between life and death, whether that be receiving the latest information or contacting emergency services.”

Across the nation, satellite services are being installed in emergency service depots and community evacuation centers to provide backup and alternative communications infrastructure.

These initiatives are reported to make it possible for communities like Jingellic to stay connected via NBN’s Sky Muster satellite service during emergencies when local networks are destroyed or unavailable.

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“This project is a major boost for the town of Jingellic and will help ensure we minimise the risk of local communications network disruptions when natural disasters strike,” said McBain.

The government also claims that STAND-funded assets have proven to be effective in supporting local communities during natural disasters, including the 2022 East Coast Floods in New South Wales and Queensland, the December 2021.

The projects have also reportedly helped Australians during the January 2022 Western Australia bushfires, Cyclone Seroja and the June 2021 Victorian and Ingham, Queensland floods.

McBain said, “I am pleased the Albanese Government is listening to the community and making significant inroads toward more resilient communications infrastructure to keep local residents safe and informed.”

Source: The Hon Kristi McBain MP

Jaw de Guzman is the content producer for Comms Room, a knowledge platform and website aimed at assisting the communications industry and its professionals.

Jaw de Guzman
Jaw de Guzman
Jaw de Guzman is the content producer for Comms Room, a knowledge platform and website aimed at assisting the communications industry and its professionals.